
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Well, it's been quite some time since I last posted. So much to tell...

This beautiful little girl is my new bundle of joy.
Mara Jade was born in April and we are so happy with her. Every day is a new day. She learns something new and we get to watch her learn it. She has figured out her legs and arms are attached and loves to swing them every which way. She defintely has her "daddy's" temper at times. But she is our joy!

Labor and Delivery was pretty tough for a little while and then they knocked me out and I don't remember much. My husband and family had to fill me in . I know I was pushing with no doctor and had an oxygen mask on. Apparently, her cord was wrapped around her neck and we had to be rushed into OR for C-section. So, I'm just now feeling somewhat normal again.

We are both busy with our jobs and then our precious baby. It seems life is just moving along and it's been almost 3 months since we had her. Time really does fly.

Well, I'm going for now..I promise to be better about this. Too much going on lately. I have to schedule time and just do it....

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Upcoming events....

Hey everyone!!! It's been quite some time since I've posted. I know, you can be mad. I have so much to tell!

Life has been kind of crazy for us. Last time I blogged, we were moving that weekend into the new place. Well, I'm happy to say that we are all settled and even decorated for Christmas!!! I'm quite impressed w/myself.

I love the new place!

This weekend is the Bridal Shower and next weekend is the wedding!!!

Yep, next weekend I will take that walk down the aisle again! It's been a long time since I've done this. So, I'm a little nervous and scared, yet very excited. I know I'm doing the right thing and doing what I want. I've known for a long time that I wanted to marry Jason, but I knew he wasn't ready for that. This wedding has made me so excited in so many ways. I have my dress and all the centerpieces done, so that's a huge stress relief.

My parents will be in town next Tuesday and then they will head on to Vegas Wednesday morning in the car. I will be flying over there. After the wedding they will visit family in Phoenix, while we come back to California w/Grandma in tow.

After the holidays and our wedding, we will have to start preparing for the baby! It seems like it's just around the corner. Time is going by so fast!!!

Well, I guess that's enough for now.
I'll try and write more later!


Friday, October 15, 2004

A lot of life changes......................

Hi Everyone. I know I haven't posted in almost 2 months. Things in my life have changed drastically.

We found out right after Labor Day that I am "pregnant"! So, that was a HUGE SHOCK and a HUGE ADJUSTMENT. I couldn't believe I was pregnant, I had them do the test a total of 3 times. Your probably asking, why couldn't you believe it? Well, I was on the birth control pill, so going to the emergency room for a minor problem and finding out that you are pregnant was wierd for me. Apparently, when you are on antibiotics the birth control pill doesn't work. So, we found out.

Let me just tell you a little history...a few years ago, all I wanted was a baby. Having a baby meant the world to me. But then my life had some pretty traumatic things happen and having a baby was definitely put on the back burner. So much so, that I decided I didn't want one until I was married. I wanted to be pregnant around the age of 35 and the baby be born right about 36. So, having a baby now is not what I had in store for myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy and excited now, it just took some time to get used the idea. I guess it all sunk in when we went to the Ultrasound, we got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat and that is when my feelings changed.

Jason is pretty scared and nervous about being a father and having a baby. He has his moods, but I know that he will be an awesome father. He has so much energy and love. I've seen him children in the past and they always adore him. I think it's because he's such a kid himself. He always finds the fun in things. He's a kid at heart. I think that's one of the things that drew me to him. His caring and nurturing nature. He's always so attentive. I know having a baby scares him financially, but I think that we will be okay and make it. We've made it this far, we can make it.

So, in finding out that we were expecting...we had to find a larger place to live. So, we set out to find one and did. So, this weekend is the big move. We've already moved some things over, but the "official" move is this weekend. We got a really nice place. I was so excited when we found it. It has a washer/dryer, dishwasher, spa tub in the master bath, 2 bedrooms/2 bath, alarm system and a gated community. VERY NICE!!!

Oh, so the wedding.....We've decided to not have a big/huge wedding. We are just going to Vegas and getting married in December. We've invited a bunch of friends and family, so it'll be nice. The good thing about living in LA, is that Las Vegas isn't too far, so most of our friends can go. Woo Hoo!!!!

Well, I should go for now. It's a little after 4pm and I need to finish some work.
I promise, as soon as we are settled into our new place, I will try and write more often.


Monday, August 23, 2004

Hello Everyone!!!!

WOW!!!! It's been so long since I've posted anything in my blog!!!! Sorry!

Life has been so busy lately. The last few months at work have been so hectic, I've had to put in a lot of overtime. I'm a travel agent who books travel for movie productions, so we've had 3 movies going on at once, so very busy!!!!

Summer seems to have just flown by, I can't belive it'll be September next week. Ugg, where did all the summer lovin go?!?!?!?!?!?!

Jason and are now "engaged"!!!! It make me so happy. I love him with all my heart! I never thought that I could love again! But he just makes everything always seem so much brighter!!!!
I took him to a park w/a bottle of wine and grapes - 4 hawaiian lei's and gave him a lei for 3 different things that meant a lot to me and then on the 4th one, I asked him to marry me. He accepted and got leid again!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

I am trying to budget our wedding very well. We have decided to use family rings and add our birthstones to them! And the rest will fall into place I guess!

My whole family is coming out...That makes me so very happy. They have never met Jason, but already think he is GREAT! He's my LOBSTER!!!!


Okay, I guess I have babbled on long enough! I'm sure I'll have more to say later. Seeing as how, I have dress appointments and wedding sites to look at....So, I'll keep you updated!

Love ya all!!!!

Monday, May 03, 2004

Uggg, It's MONDAY

Hey Everyone!

I know, I haven't posted in a while. I've been so busy and had a lot on my mind lately.

I'm finally settled into the new place. Just a raise at work and bought a new car. So, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at times.

My love life is good. He's a great guy and he sure does put up with a lot of shit from me....lol I LOVE YOU HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS!!

I'm just finding out that people you think are your friends aren't your friends. I use to have this friend, I really liked her and she was a good person, only a few months ago I found out that she has changed so much we just can't be friends. She says that we should be "civil" because we have mutual friends. Only, I don't want to be "civil". I feel either your my friend or your NOT and quite frankly I don't want to be around her. She's very depressing and just brings the mood down whenever she is around. She has said and done some things that have really hurt my feelings and I just don't think it's right. I truley thought she was a FRIEND, only now I think I was her friend BUT she was NEVER mine. Only when it benefited her. And I definitely don't need that. One day I hope she learns that her actions causes people pain and hurt. She is not all that she thinks she is. Oh well. This past year has been really trying at times, she was there, supported me through it all, but when it came down to the end, the happy part she has been no where to find. That doesn't make sense to me, how can you be around throughout the bad and then when it's good disappear. Sometimes I feel like I have this big-huge disease and that's why she is the way that she is...

I've been through a lot in the last year and I feel I have come away from all the hurt and pain this last year has thrown at me a much STRONGER person. Jason has been around through it all and has been a wonderful pillar of support and strentgh for me. Without him, I'm not sure I would have made it through.

I finally told my other friend this weekend, what happened and she was fine with it. I guess it's not as bad as I told myself. If they are my TRUE FRIENDS then they will stick around. (Jason has told me that from the start, but I guess I didn't listen very well).

Sometimes, day to day life it still a stuggle for me, but I manage to get through it. There is always tomorrow and tomorrow will be much better than today.

Okay, enough of that. This weekend was busy. My friend Amy (from San Diego) came up and we went car shopping. She was in an accident and they totalled her convertible Mustang and now she is the proud owner of a Ford Escape. She tells me that she really likes her new car and I'm very happy for her.

We also had a birthday party to go for Scott. We went to a place in North Hollywood and it was so much fun! It's a sushi bar, they are so much fun there. They danced behind the line and on the bar stools. I had never been there before, so it was a lot of fun!!! We must go there again!!

I must go back to work now..."chat" more later.

Friday, April 23, 2004


Hello! It's Friday again. I am so happy. This week has been so crazy. So much to get done and not enough time to do it. lol

We have a wedding to go to this weekend. It's somewhat exciting for me, I love weddings. They are always so beautiful and they put you in touch with your feelings and sentiment. It should be beautiful, I've seen the bride's dress and the girls dresses along w/jewlery. It's outside at a gardens, very beautiful.

The car crapped out on us this week. More $$$$ into the car, ugg! I spent $265 dollars on an oil change and all the systems being flushed and tonight I have to finish it off w/the spark plugs being changed out for another whopping $75. Man, after this I hope the car runs GREAT!!!! Only, then we have to fix the window motors and the alarm. It's been acting up on us for a while now.

Oh well, I guess that's what we get, it's an older car. We knew we would have to put $$$ into it. Just didn't think this much.

I have to clean the house this weekend and the cable guy is coming to install internet service, but I have no computer. I was told that I would have one by now, but I don't. I'm thinking of cancelling my appt with them until I have the computer. I really don't want to pay for the service if I don't have the access. So, we'll see.

Well, I guess that's all for now.
More later....
Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 16, 2004


Okay, it's FRIDAY! And that makes me so very happy. I recently started selling Mary Kay Cosmetics and was suppose to have a party this weekend for it at my house. But, now it's down to 1 person, so I guess I'm going to cancel it. Oh well. I will just have to go to the mall and network myself. I am really motivated to do this, but I just don't know very many people. I have to start making friends.

Saturdays, is usually our MK meetings in North Hollywood, but my director is going to be in Vegas, so I'm thinking about not going and just finding another way to get my name out there. I have a website that's built and my business cards and stuff, so hopefully I can start networking.

I plan on going shopping at the outlets this weekend, I really need to get some pants and some new under clothes...Jason has to work tomorrow, so I'll do this and then we can do something together. I know we are going to dinner tonight, but maybe tomorrow I'll make him dinner and then take him to the movies. He's been wanting to see Hellboy, so I'll go see it with him. He does so much for me and I'm so mean to him sometimes, so I can handle seeing the movie with him. I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!

And Amy, it's okay. I totally understand, you need to be with your Mom this weekend. We'll have plenty of fun when you come up here. I'm not sure about the manicures and pedicures though, we'll see. It's the first and I have to pay rent, so we'll see how much $$$$ is left over. Whatever we do, we'll have fun. I get to show you all my makeup stuff, woo hoo!!! I'm so excited. I'll have to give you some business cards and catalogs so you can give them out for me.

On another note. I really HATE the United States Post Office. I mailed a box 2 Saturdays ago PRIORITY MAIL and my friend just got it on Monday. It took 10 days to get to her. Also, I mailed 4 boxes to my parents on April 6 and they have only gotten 3 of them. The fourth box is lost is postal la la la land somewhere. I've called several different phone numbers trying to figure out where the box is with no luck. My Uncle drives a truck (18 wheeler) and he told us that one of his loads was US Mail, he was to drop it off at some post office location and when he got there, they told him NO WAY, they didn't want it. They wanted him to get rid of it somewhere. He told them, that he brought that load there and they were going to unload whether they wanted to or not, it wasn't staying in his truck. That's very disturbing to me. No wander we sometimes never seem to get our mail. He also told us that he has put mail he's gotten from loads in mailboxes several times because those US Postal workers won't do it. This makes me quite angry. We spend lots of $$$$ at the post office and they can't do their jobs correctly. The thing is we don't have other options to get our mail to our loved ones.

Okay, enough rambling.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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